4 Ways Google Analytics Helps You Keep Track of Your Singapore Website Performance

If you own a Singapore website, it is not enough to simply have it up and running. You must also measure its performance via Google Analytics. It is non-negotiable. Google Analytics is a crucial tool for all website owners. One of the first things you should do as a new website owner is to establish a tracking set up for Google analytics.

Your Singaporean website will be targeting audiences in your local area. According to data, there are about 4.9 million Singaporeans who utilize the internet, and about 4.6 million who are active in social media. Singapore enjoys being the first globally when it comes to the fastest internet speed.

Google Analytics helps you know how your website performs not just among your Singaporean audience but also globally. It is recommended that you hire experts from SEO agency Singapore to optimize your site.

You can check how people find your website

Currently, there are over 1 billion websites online. Each of them is competing for attention on the Internet. For your website to work optimally, people must be able to find it.

When you check the Google Analytics platform, there is an entire section dedicated to this. It allows you to get information on how visitors can find you. Google Analytics can track how many people visit your website after clicking links and search results. It also tracks how many visitors come from social media links, other websites, paid ads, and direct queries on search engines. Hiring SEO agency Singapore allows you to leave the details of checking data in Google Analytics to experts.

Obtain data on who is visiting your website 

A majority of websites will never reach everyone; in most cases, you are targeting a specific type of visitor. Google Analytics helps you discover the people visiting your website. It gives data based on demographics, geography, and general interests.

Additionally, you can discover what browsers and devices they are using. If user experience in your website is not consistent across all devices, you might be losing some visitors. It is crucial to see how many people visit your site on a smartphone or through a web browser such as Opera. It allows you how to optimize your website for these users.

In Singapore, users prefer mobile devices over laptops and desktop computers in accessing the Internet. A vast majority of Singaporeans, 91%, utilize smartphones while only 71% access the Internet via laptop or desktop computer. Singaporean audiences go online to communicate, get information, watch videos game, and utilize banking services.

Know which of your pages are popular

Every website will have pages that get more traffic. You might also have pages that keep people interested in staying on the site for longer. Some pages also help you achieve more conversions than others.

If you have high-ranking content that gets many shares, Google analytics will help you identify it. The same is true for pages that convert visitors and encourage email subscribers to become customers.

When you want to discover these pages that are working for your aims, you can analyze why they successfully position a strategy for your website to help it move forward based on these successes.

Track all your conversions

Different websites will have different goals they want visitors to do. You can speed up conversion tracking via Google Analytics for your website. You can check your visitors’ actions, such as filling out forms, signing up for an email list, and making purchases.

For most websites, this crucial data is an important measure of whether your website is working. Google Analytics helps you determine what makes your website a success and helps it achieve conversions.


It is crucial to step up your game on your Singapore website. Google Analytics helps you measure your SEO strategy. It helps you track every data on your websites, such as traffic and visitor activity. Because of this, you can apply changes and modify your website structure to accommodate the needs of your audience.